
James Hickey is on the pulse of photography in the Los Angeles fashion, music and celebrity world. His advertisements and editorials have appeared on billboards, US Vogue, and international fashion magazines. James is always spearheading life, whether on the African plains, competitive racing, scuba diving or accelerating with the fusion of art and technology. From an early age he was motivated and dominated in math, so he pursued an engineering degree. This technical knowledge, coupled with his adventurous side, led him to California, where he excelled with companies like Boeing and Toyota. Upon sighting the billboards of cosmopolitan USA, his interest in fashion photography was put aflame. He realized he had the curiosity, tech savvy and creativity to express himself as a visual artist. He systematically broke down the elements of his visual sensibility and refined his skills to a science, while developing his unique, creative vision. James’ professionalism has made him a favored photographer with celebrities and major brands. He has become a competitive branding force in multiple arenas and his principled business ethics create loyal, long-term clients.

james. | jameshickeystudio.com

c | 323 600 5002

e | info@jameshickeystudio.com